Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Drving round in circles

Ever had that reason that some attempts of yours just don't seem to go anywhere - revision? Building a house of cards? Starting afresh? Chasing a fly with a spatula? - any of these.
Well mine is, quite annoyingly, driving.

I approach every lesson nervously, and then just get on with it.
It can go well, and Vaughn [the instructor] is impressed.
It can go ok-ish - do well some places, break down (not literally) in other places.
And once or twice, it has just been catasrophic.

Today wasn't that bad, it was ok-ish. Last week was actually pretty good, which is even more infuriating. I have a good week and think "Hey, y'know what, I could be ready".
I will say this: Hill starts can get fucked. Stupid, annoying and easily cocked-up things which sometimes I can do, and sometimes I can't. Oh joy(!)

So there's my big problem. I'm inconsistent. This is the really annoying thing. I approached this week hopeful because last week went well. And then I come away disappointed because I didn't do as well.
Just endlessly asking myself "why can't I do this?" And it doesn't help that everyone around me is doing pretty damn well. I'm still proud of Kaysey. Really proud, really really happy for her and it's a great thing.
Just deep down you think: She got it, Stacey got it, Rob got it, every one's getting it a helluva faster than me.
Why? Why can't I just do this? :/

A depressing post. Sorry!

Monday, 14 February 2011

Blink and you'll miss us

Well, my name's Rob. I'm from Andover, locally known as Chav-central, and non-locally known nowhere. And it seems that slowy and surely, we won't even be known locally at all.

Take our high street. Betting shop, cafe, cafe, charity shop, betting shop, cafe, MASSIVE POUNDLAND, bank, charity shop, bank, bank, cafe, betting shop - you get the idea. You can see why it may be considered a chav homeland. In fact I think we're one or two Primarks away from every chav in the world moving in. But hey, we have the large pointless housing estates to home them all! Anyway, it isn't an appealing enough shopping precinct to entice others to spend lots of money to truly support the shops.
Unfortuntately, this leads to the so many "For let" signs. At least it means the 'For-Let-sign-making' businesses will thrive! That's something....I guess.

But so many people don't know of us. I spend lots of time at college, or online my PS3 talking to south englanders. 'Andover' doesn't appear in their geographies.
We do hold some records though. Our Tae Kwon-Do club (of which I'm proudly a member) has received constant admiration at big tornaments. Our Britax child-car-seats are used worldwide. Our radio station 'Andover Sound' has won many worldwide awards.
These aren't amazing things, I will easily admit, and it hasn't really lead to anything either. People online ask me where I'm from and we eventually narrow it down to 'Andover', and all I see is question marks.

I don't know. Our businesses are slowly dying. We're hardly known anyway. Our residents spend so much time complaining, or drunk. Or both. So are we going to survive? Unlikely.
One day Basingstoke will probably just expand and swallow us. I can see our new sign now:
Andover. Twinned with the Moon

Peace out. Come visit us! XD

HitchHiker's Guide to my Heart

[Quick pointer: I haven't posted for a while, so coming up now is a few!]

So, my latest obsession. No longer is it The Dark Knight, LittleBigPlanet, The Sims, WALL-E, Watchmen, Gorillaz, Gary Larson, Fred Basset.....the list is endless.
No no, it is in fact the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy book 2. A quintolgy? It'll do.

Anyway, last Saturday at work (Oxfam) I was bored and ended up reading the making-of book of the HHGttG film, and then finished and thought "I wonder if they have the actual book"......"Ooh, gotta serve a customer first".
Walked over, found it, took it home, read it. Loved it.

Douglas Adam's writing styles are invigorating, intriguing, grabbing, fascinating and at (repeated) times, bloody hilarious. He manages to use the term "mind-buggering" in one describing paragraph. And he uses it well!
Added to that, the narratives are so wonderfully wacky and creative I love it to bits. And as a result of reading it and watching the films, I'm constantly worried because to "survive in the universe, you gotta know where your your towel is"
[plus the 42 malarkey and Marvin - the manically depressed paranoid android]

Annoyingly, I forgot the storyline is split up into 5 parts/books: The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Life the Universe and Everything, So Long and Thanks for All the Fish and Mostly Harmless. Yeah, I know. I shockingly forgot!!
So I got to the end of HHGttG, read the last lines and thought "Oh yeah. Bollocks."
And the next day, I trotted off and got parts 2 and 3. [And to match my new collection, Kaysey got me 1]

So there we go. My new fictional love - an insane storyline about our own universe. Puh-erfect :D
So long fellow readers.
And thanks for all the fish.