Friday, 11 March 2011

Things that confuse me

This'll be a long post. Plus I'll keep adding to it. Drop in and out as you please =]
In no real order, here we go:

  1. Sciences
  2. The Internet - the general concept escapes me
  3. The guy who discovered milk ("Think I'll go toss off that cow and see what happens")
  4. Radiators
  5. Car-carrying-trucks which tow cars behind them
  6. The DaVinci Code
  7. The appeal behind TV chat shows
  8. Time-travel related films. So many plot holes!
  9. Advanced Maths
  10. People who want to do Advanced Maths
  11. Mrs Dalloway
  12. How Traffic Wardens are still alive
  13. Golf
  14. People who love golf
  15. Darts
  16. People who love darts
  17. Football [see numbers 14 and 16]
  18. Rugby
  19. Cricket
  20. Lord of the Rings
  21. The telephone
  22. The Golden Compass
  23. Gavin and Stacey. It isn't funny, the end
  24. Current Affairs. Mainly because I don't watch the news
  25. Science vs Religion
  26. The point of Religion
  27. The appeal of Religion
  28. How the Pope is still alive
  29. Political Correctness. The truth should win out
  30. Hypocrisy
  31. Shakespeare's work
  32. Why they keep making more 'Call of Duty's
  33. TV series that don't shut-down when they become crap
  34. The appeal of the TV shows 'skins'
  35. Difficult concepts from QI
  36. Twats who make viruses
  37. How some celebrities keep their popularity
  38. Hill starts
  39. How life can sometimes be so unfair
  40. Moths. Light bulbs hurt - learn!
  41. Why college enforces 'General Studies'
  42. Traffic reports being shown on TV
  43. Cash-plans with 2000% APR
  44. The overall dedication of online gaming nerds
  45. How America represents the British
  46. Why the Hiroshima Bomb was nicknamed 'Little Boy'
  47. Pointless movie sequels that only seem to exist to link the ones before and after it
  48. Good films with bad endings e.g. War of the Worlds, I, Robot
  49. Cockroaches. At what point did evolution decide to come up with that?!
  50. Why Citizen Kane is considered so important.
[50 will do for now. More coming soon!]

Monday, 7 March 2011

Learning something about myself

An annoying girl (who shall remain unnamed) in one of my college classes (also remained unnamed) has inadvertently lead me to have an.....epiphany?

Anyway, in my AS Media class, I was arrogant, boring, over-opinionated and downright sarcastic that was just pointless, unnecessary and, as I've recently discovered, annoying.
Now, at the time, I just felt I was essentially being myself.

But now, this year when I've matured slightly and dropped stereotypes, I meet this girl. And she is the female version of me in AS Media.
When she goes off on one of her endless monologues, full of opinions and endless, pointless knowledge, the class is muttering amongst itself for her to "just shut up" and other, possibly ruder variations.
And I realised I was like that in the previous year. And also realised what the previous year class was probably doing in the background, just like we do.

So I learnt something. I'm a hypocrite and probably have an entire AS Media class after my blood.
And now, I apologise to all of them, I apologise for my hypocrisy and lastly I offer advice:
<Unnamed-class-member>: Before you speak, shut the hell up.
Otherwise you'll regret it next year. And I'm a perfect example of that happening!

Peace out!