Monday, 11 June 2012

Defeated by 2 words

Wow, been a fair bit of time since I last posted on here. Well, let's all break the Writer's-Block-Ice with a good old fashioned, grumpy-teenager rant. This time, dear and appreciated readers, it's two little words which can drain the life and enthusiasm out of any strong-willed character:
Job hunting
Quite possibly one of the most depressing past times, after cleaning up road-kill and before listening to James Blunt, this little gem of a way of spending an afternoon has reduced me - usually an optimistic and cheerful sort of fellow - to a suicidal, groaning, mumbling mess.

I had not seen this much rejection in most of my life. The basic task of job-hunting is as follows:
Seeker searches online
Finds nothing
Finds a small scrap of a something
Puts all emphasis into applying
- Agonised waiting period -
Turned down/no reply

Hmm, confidence is taking a bit of a knock. Guess I'll head into town tomorrow, go from shop to shop. See what I find.

Heads downtown
Tries shop 1
Repeat action for shops 1 through 7
Shop 8: "Well, we're not hiring just now, but you can drop in a CV and we'll let you know when something comes up
[PS: Translation: No]
Shop 9: You'll have to apply online
Repeat internet instructions
Shop 10: We're actually hiring in December

Well, confidence and enthusiasm is truly depleting now. Applying may become more weary and wasting by now.
Added on to the fact that employment agencies require half of your life story to even consider registering you, and that such a large percentage of the country's population is job-hunting, what chance does a student trying to find work for a few months stand?

Now, I know some of you will be thinking "Now come on, Rob. Surely things aren't all that bad"
[I'm willing to bet these people are already employed]
But I'll give you a strong example.
Just today I tried to apply for a part-time job in KFC - joy. I had just clicked 'Submit' at the end of writing something the length of War and Peace and casually decided to check my emails.
I had submitted at 16:33.
At 16:34, I received an email, stating "Thanks, but sorry you have not been successful".

Hum. Well, I guess I'm just happy watching my confidence and optimism wash quickly down this drain here. At least the MASSIVE rainfall of today is speeding up matters.
Roll on Year 2 of University.
I'm tired of being at home already.

Have a pleasant evening!

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