Sunday, 6 November 2011

Be a book, you'll last longer

One of those random things you notice without properly thinking.

Of all the industries out there in the global media: film, magazines, video games, music, books, newspapers, television - the only consistent industry of all these is the books industry.
Think about it.

Films, overtime, become forgotten and cheaper. Each one created will be in a "For Only £5" box in a matter of years, completely forgotten by all the other films that keep coming out.
The same story can be said for video games, CDs, television shows - all these industries keep creating more and more new texts, letting each old ones become cheaper and forgotten.
Video games are notorious for this. Each new console defeats the ones before it. Each new game, sequel or not, defeat the ones before it. And the circle of life continues.

But books avoid this. No matter when the book was written, even from some long-lost century when cows were a delicacy, the story will still sell for at least £7.99. Sometimes more than that - an entire Shakespeare collection, so many pages long, can sell for over thirty pounds.
Compare that to something else.
Alfred Hitchcock created 'The Birds' so many years ago, and has been dead so many years. His film can be purchased for under five pounds.
Mark Twain - also dead - most of his works can be bought for ten pounds. And this has been the case for several years now.

Books prices stay consistent. So, if you want your published works to remain at a fair price for many years to come, stick to being an author.
Because, and trust me on this, you can create the best video game of 2012. But in 2016, maybe less than that, your creation will sell for under a tenner in a second hand shop
And it will hurt.

Sorry about that.
Just another thing to blame on contemporary media industries.

A New Life

University gets in your head.
It can easily become your favouriote place on Earth, and your favourite time of life.
This is certianly the case with me.

Unsure about others, but what I enjoy the most is the freedom and independance.
If you want to go to bed at 3am, that's fine. If you don't want to go to bed at all, that's also fine. And has been done.
If you want to take a mug of coffee and breakfast to class, that's fine.
Want to do laundry whilst in your dressing gown. Also fine.

It's just fun. That's what Uni is - fun.
Going out most nights, getting drunk, meeting new people and coming home to collapse in a little piece of what you can call home.

That's how Uni got in my head. It became home.
Last weekend, when I went back to Andover, it was going to see family.
When I came back to Bath Spa, that was when I was truly come home.
It's easy to see why anyway. Bath is beautiful, exciting, massive and has a brilliant selction of shops and nightlife.
And cows on campus.
Andover is nowhere nearly as good as all that. It's easy to see why I've fallen in love with Bath really.

On top of all that, my Creative Writing course is incredible.
Homework is easy and invigorating - "Write a satire", "write a short story" etc. If you turn up, get Writer's Block and can't write anything, they don't mind. It's a course with my name on it.
Plus, most classes you just have to roll out of bed and head on over. Living on campus is brilliant.
Then, my timetable lets me have Mondays and Fridays off. Score!

Anyway, I look forward going home; to my family, a comfortable bed, good internet and my PS3.
But I still look forward to returning to University, even more.
This is where I belong now. My new home; my new life.