Monday, 17 July 2017

Doctor What

Sunday 16/07/2017:
"Introducing Jodie Whittaker as The 13th Doctor."
I had to sit through a lot of Wimbledon to get that little nugget of news, but it was ultimately worth it. That state of exciting intrigue, as well as watching television and knowing at the same moment many people are pleased or interested, many other people are recoiling in horror.
(One of my reactions to this news happened to be the same as my reacting to "that death" at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens: "Huh. Alright then. I bet a lot of fans are going to be disappointed.")
Obviously, as anyone checking Facebook or Twitter will already know, a lot of fans are divided by this decision and have expressed their opposing opinions. In fact, many long-standing fans appear to have turned their back on the fifty-four year old sci/fi show. 
The number of 😡 'Angry Reacts' on Facebook alone has been ridiculous. .
It's been the topic of many headlines already and The Daily Mail has no doubt been flooded.
Public snakes celebrities, likes of Hopkins and Morgan, have already had their inappropriate input.
And here, now, on this blog dedicated to such things, it's My Turn.
My reaction, besides the one outlined above, to JW taking up the mantle was the same as it was for Tennant, Smith and Capaldi: "Huh, okay, not sure yet, but let's see what they bring to the role" - and this thought would apply for male or female.
I personally know nothing about Jodie Whittaker, I haven't seen her in anything else. It was the same with Tennant, Smith and Capaldi. I look forward to getting to know her as the Doctor.
I will never not watch the newest series of Doctor Who and I remain incredibly interested in what Whittaker will do. Will she continue Capaldi's cantankerous magician guise, return to the floppy bounding phase of Smith/Tennant, or will she go her own way? I hope it's the latter, and I want to know what that way is. Christmas 2017's episode is eagerly anticipated.
No, I don't mind that the Doctor shall be a woman and nor do I see how it matters.
To me, I think of the Doctor as more of an idea, as a concept. Regardless of age, face, accent, gender, I don't mind as long as the Doctor retains the persona of "The Doctor." The same selfless entity, the unstoppable ancient being who acts in the name of morality and restoring balance to the universe, saving innocent lives whenever and wherever possible.
"Never cruel or cowardly."
"Never give up. Never give in."
"Without hope, without witness, without reward."
These are the personal promises the Doctor has set, and the Doctor will always try hard to keep them, no matter "what type" that happens to involve. 
Whether the Doctor is male, female, neither, alien, ethereal or some kind of android, I don't care what they look like, I care about what they do.
I just want the Doctor to remain the hero I fell in love with in 2005 and continue to respect and idolise to this day.
If Miss Whittaker can achieve that, and I'm sure she can, then Doctor Who shall always have me as a loyal fan.
Until Christmas, my friends, keep an open mind and both hearts beating.
It's not the end of the journey.
It's just the next step.
