Sunday 26 May 2013

The pixels are clearing...

It's been nearly 2 years since I've posted twice on here in the same day. It's even been quite a while since I've posted twice in the same month.
But a certain event has lead to this development; and when you've finished this post, the one afterwards may make  a little bit more sense.

So yesterday, 25.05.13, my PlayStation3 froze. Which is nothing new, except when I turned it back on, it told me something about a corrupted storage system and some kind of restore manoeuvre.
In any case, it would seem that whatever I choose to do, all saved data and what-not will be wiped, to return my PlayStation3 to, quite simply, just that. No games, no music, no pictures, no messages.

Suffice to say, I was rather miffed at the time and, right this minute, have tabs open to PlayStation support, my email account and online advice.
But this event has rather inspired a great deal of thought. I now have two options:

1) The Immature Way: Keep trying to restore the console, or wipe it and start again, or buy a new one. Which I know sounds like three options in one, but in summary, option 1 allows me to remain as a Gamer. In likelihood, I am going to have to start EVERYTHING from the beginning again, which sounds both interesting and exhaustive. (Mainly in the case of LittleBigPlanet and Skyrim. *sigh*) 

2) The Grown-Up Way: Stop. Just stop. Instead of spending so much of life in front of a screen, do something else. Do some writing or reading, get a job, go get some exercise. Every time I fancy shooting zombies or driving fast in some pixels, I could go out and actually do something worthwhile.

This debate has kept me thinking hard for the last 18hours or so. I'm suffering a huge internal conflict, with options 1 and 2 both shouting their views inside my head - and none of this is helped by a second conflict shouting along with them:
I have been gaming since my childhood; it is an integral part of my life versus Why am I getting so frantic about something as meaningless as video games? 
Tricky one. It's essentially the immature side and responsible side fighting again but in a different way. And I've no idea which to listen to and I'm starting to get a real headache.

The fact that I haven't decided yet also interests me. Maybe this is, what they'd say in Doctor Who, a pivotal point in my timeline - the deciding moment where I'll either grow up or just keep to my childish ways.
It is an incredibly big question for me; one that I doubt I can answer alone. It seems I want to grow up and down in the same instance. Maybe I should just do nothing.
But I do that so often in my life I'm starting to get sick of it.

Anyway, I have the emails and PlayStation websites still open. By either today or tomorrow I shall have made an informed decision. Whatever conclusion I come to, things are going to change.
Only one way to find out if it's for the better...

(Any sensible opinions on what to do are welcome, Facebook.)


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